Monday, April 23, 2007

New Gallup Poll: Presidential Race Tightens

According to a new Gallup poll, the race for the Democratic nomination for President continues to tighten. Hillary Clinton, who has been the front-runner in early polling continues to draw favorability ratings below 50%, now dropping to 45% of Democrats and those who lean Democratic. Her unfavorables, at 28%, are the highest of the three top candidates: Edwards, Obama and Clinton.

According to Gallup, the majority of Americans do not have a favorable view of Sen. Clinton. This is bad news for her campaign because unlike the other candidate, she has nearly 100% name recognition among poll respondents, while the other candidates are still building name recognition and image. Many have speculated that Clinton's early lead in the polls is fueled by her high name recognition.

Obama's favorability ratings appear to have stabilized, while Sen. Edwards' rating continue to improve. You can read the whole article here.

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